The Hidden Dangers of Cell Phone Radiation

The Hidden Dangers of Cell Phone Radiation

By Sue Kovach

Every day, we’re swimming in a sea of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) produced by electrical appliances, power lines, wiring in buildings, and a slew of other technologies that are part of modern life. From the dishwasher and microwave oven in the kitchen and the clock radio next to your bed, to the cellular phone you hold to your ear—sometimes for hours each day—exposure to EMR is growing and becoming a serious health threat.

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Electromagnetic Radiation:
Intervention Recommendations from the Safe Wireless Initiative

To minimize dangerous electromagnetic radiation from your personal environment:
Keep your cell phone at least 6-7 inches away from the body while it is on.
Use an air tube, not wired or wireless, headset or speaker mode, as much as possible.
Keep the cell phone turned completely off when not in use.
Try to avoid keeping your cell phone in your pocket or on your hip all day. The hip is responsible for producing 80% of the red blood cells in the body and that area is especially vulnerable to EMR damage.
Replace cordless phones with corded landlines wherever possible.
Minimize exposure to all wireless technology and other electric devices or equipment. Hard-wire your computer for Internet access, instead of wireless access.
Nutritional supplementation is showing significant protective effects from melatonin and vitamins C and E in averting oxidative stress.
Install various EMR filters to electrical circuits and appliances.
Use appropriate preventive technologies as often as possible.
Never talk on a cell phone or cordless home phone when you are pregnant or with a baby or small child in your arms.
Move your alarm clock radio at least 3 feet from your head, 6 feet is recommended.
Keep your “sleep zone” as low EMR as possible; avoid electric, metal-framed, and water beds.
On an electric stove, cook on the back burners instead of the front, whenever you can.
Find hot spots in your home or office with the use of a gauss meter to measure EMR in the extremely low frequency effect window associated with electricity.
Measure EMR (ELF and information carrying radio waves from wireless devices) with an Electrosmog Detector, professional RF meter or gauss meter. When there are high readings, take steps to eliminate the EMR and mitigate the effects.
To minimize adverse health effects of electromagnetic radiation, especially if you are sensitive or prone to debilitating symptoms:
Minimize your use of the computer, and make sure it has hard-wired Internet access – not wireless. Avoid using, or being exposed to, cell or cordless telephones, as much as you can. (The base of cordless phones emits high levels of EMR – even when no one is making a call.) As a safer alternative, use corded landline telephones.
Minimize or eliminate intake of caffeine and alcoholic beverages, especially hard liquor. A glass of wine once in a while may be fine, preferably low or no sulfite added varieties.
Try to stay out of areas with bright, artificial lights. Use subdued light or candle light as much as possible. When you retire at night, try to sleep in the dark as much as possible.
Try also to stay out of the sun and if you must travel outside, carry a small umbrella or wear a hat for protection.
Avoid listening to loud music or loud noises. Mellow music will be good — any music that will bring a sense of quiet peace will be helpful. Taking some daily, personal silence time is also highly recommended.
Stay out of areas where there is WiFi or other wireless signaling. Those information carrying radio waves will trigger a response.
Eat a diet of primarily fresh, organic fruits and vegetables. For the time being, eat less fish to stop heavy metal buildup in your system. The main source of heavy metals is ingestion of fish, poultry and meats…as well as tap water. Move to bottled and/or carbon filtered water is you have not done so already. Also, drink from glass containers as much as possible instead of plastic. If you eat grains, make sure they are unprocessed, whole grains in their most natural, nutritious form (not white and not instant).
Try to take a couple of brisk walks every day, but do not work out or strain your system in any way. The walks are to move your metabolism, not to train. Walk, and surround yourself, in nature, when possible.
For the short term, avoid wearing any chemical-additive makeup and avoid using any type of perfume or hair spray. Use a bland soap. If possible, take cool or lukewarm showers or baths instead of hot showers or baths.
Consult a clinician with experience in addressing electromagnetic radiation symptoms for long-term intervention, monitoring, advice and care (see the SWI clinical registry). CAUTION: Use of electromagnetic shielding devices (either on or for the body) should be under appropriate clinical supervision, as these devices, under certain circumstances, may increase long-term sensitivity.

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