Personal Stress Test


This following test will help you assess your own stress levels, while indicating particular areas that may need attention. The higher your total score, the more likely you are to need specific attention. The higher your score, the more likely you are to need help to manage stress more effectively.


1 Never
2 Almost never
3 Sometimes
4 Fairly often
5 Very often

Rate each question with a number based on how often you:

  • Feel unable to control how you spend your time?
  • Get easily stressed, nervous, or irritated?
  • Feel unable to cope with all you have to do?
  • Fail to build relaxation into every day?
  • Tend to put everyone else first?
  • Get too little rest?
  • Feel ‘drained’ by certain clients?
  • Feel you don’t have enough people in your life to support you?
  • Lack confidence in your ability to handle challenges?
  • Feel unable to say ‘No’ to unreasonable requests?
  • Total Score:

    Action Plan:

    A truly holistic program of self-care needs to encompass all the following approaches:

    * Quick and easy de-stress strategies
    * Work-life balance
    * Recreation and fun
    * Regular exercise
    * Time for your self
    * Healthy eating
    * Social support
    * Clear limiting patterns that prevent self-care
    * Set clear personal and professional boundaries
    * Safe use of empathy

    Why not create a plan of action for yourself right now and choose a goal focused on one of the above. !!

    (Sarah Kulpers MSc, Stress Management, Reflexions Journal, Sept 2009,12-13)

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