Questions on Health

Am I in all honesty pursuing a healthy lifestyle?

Are my food choices healthy?

Do I get enough exercise to keep all of my systems flowing well?

Do I get enough rest, so the body can rejuvenate and heal?

Do I do the best I can to keep the stress down in my life?

Do I take time specifically to ‘take care’ of my body and show that I ‘love it’?

Do I understand that if I don’t take care of my body, then ‘it’ can’t take care of me?

What do I ‘get’ out of being un-healthy?

Is being un-healthy an excuse so I don’t have to try to become all that I can be?

Am I too lazy, negligent, ignorant or in a state of denial and I think that ‘disease and death’ happen to
other people, but not to me?

Do I ‘expect’ the doctors/medical field to ‘fix’ whatever goes wrong with my body?

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