Revocation Of Approval For Circulation Of The Far Eastern Economic Review In Singapore

Revocation Of Approval For Circulation Of The Far Eastern Economic Review In Singapore

The Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts has revoked with effect from 28 September 2006 the approval given to the Far Eastern Economic Review (FEER) for sale or distribution in Singapore . This follows the failure by the publisher of FEER to comply with the conditions imposed under Section 24 of the Newspaper and Printing Presses Act (NPPA). FEER had not complied by the 11 September 2006 deadline, nor has it complied till today, despite a reminder sent to FEER on 14 September 2006 . The FEER remains a declared foreign newspaper under the NPPA.

2 With the revocation of the approval under Section 24 of the NPPA, it becomes an offence under Section 24(5) for any person to sell or distribute, or import or possess for sale or distribution, the FEER in Singapore . Reproduction of the FEER for sale or distribution in Singapore will also be an offence under Section 25(4) of the NPPA. It is also an offence under Section 28 of the NPPA for any person to subscribe to the FEER.

3 It is a privilege and not a right for foreign newspapers to circulate in Singapore . If any foreign newspaper fails to comply with the law, including the NPPA, they cannot expect to enjoy this privilege.


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